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Sorry for not blogging in a bit, i've been a little lazy lol.
my whole mom's side is here for christmas, they arrived last night. We had a feast of in-n-out basically, since my cousin CJ (he's 20 something) has never been over on this coast before. I guess family is what i've been busy with, so that's my excuse for not blogging lol.
tomorrow is my brother's 10th birthday (yes, christmas eve) so all of the b-day festivies are being held tomorrow.
I really wish I lived like, closer to online friends. I dont like many of my IRLs, since I go to a very small school with limited friend options, other friends go to other schools, and are always occupied. I occasionally text most of those irls, but never make plans, since they all have lives, already having plans and shit. Any online friends reading this, ily dudes, and I wish we could actually hang out. ♡
I think tomorrow, after brother birthday stuff, im gonna be giving this page a little bit of a makeover. Instead of having all of my blog posts on this one page, I'll be making each blog post it's own page, just so it's a little more organized. Like bagel's.