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whoopsies. forgot to blog again... for 5 days. My bad.
I guess I don't have much motivation to blog, really gotta fix that lol.
Woah, what an ominous header title, it must mean something scary. Nope. In the basement I dwell in on my afternoons and weekends,
where my desk is housed currently, there's a closet, which it techinically under the stairs that lead to the basement.
"Colin? what is the sagnifigance of this closet?"
Good question that you know the answer to, me from 2 seconds ago. There's kind of just a bunch of shit in the closet,
procatically overflowing with it. But burried in the depths of the shit, there's gold. My parents' old CD collection.
I've been meaing to go through it for a while, since im starting to collect. This weekend my and my dad took the box out.
There was a big binder full, then, like, a pvc pipe in a box, with 200 cds enclosing it.
like this:
there were a ton of gems in this collection, that are super hard to list out.
I am really stoked we ended up having Weezer (blue) deluxe STILL in the case, really awesome.
my dad and his friends we're also pretty big weezer fans back in the day, which is why I am also now in possesion of a Pinkerton CD,
he got the week of release. We also ended having a few other weezer CDs aswell, like Maladriot, and rivers' alone II (not I with it, sadly)
We had the liner notes for 2 normal blue albums, red, and green, which my sister should have, since my dad left them in his old mazda when he passed it down to her,
so in a few days, or maybe even tomorrow, she'll be bringing those CDs.
Some other noteworthy stuff we found:
We found some stuff from my dad's local highschool days. I guess in the mid nineties, in Flatrock Michigan, there was a decent garage punkrock scene.
So, we had a few CDs of those aswell, all from my dad's childhood friends, some really good stuff actually.
Also ended up having one hell of a Bluray player in one of the boxes. I snatched that for myself.
hopefully when I end up getting my sister's room (me and mom have to fight for it) I can really set up a sound system.
The soundbar I currently have barely fits on my desk with everything off of it.
I really can't wait til April, for my birthday, now. I'm 100% going to ask for an Edifier S351DB system.
I've heard it's pretty good, and well worth the pricetag. Super excided.
Until then, im stuck with a decent soundbar that can't handle bass, and a kickass CD collection that I WILL be expanding on.
My goal is to cop every single weezer album. And hopefully pillows album, if that'd even be possible in the US.
anywho, it's late as heck, I need to sleep, and hopefully I will blog again tomorrow/today.
see ya :3